Allison lisi

I simply photograph what surrounds me and happens to me, like a ritual that happens without me even realizing it. I don’t wait for the right moment, I don’t want to dramatize a story, the shots thus become a way to bring with them memories, the perceived bodies. I want to create contact and intimacy with my subjects, ordinary people who in my opinion have great social importance. They are usually my peers, children of a time poor in union, dictated by ruthless dynamics that lead to a cold and individualistic existence. I don’t use explicit language, there are no scenes of drugs, sex or violence. In Zoo you tell the ridiculousness of the daily life of a generation, mine. The sense of inadequacy is part of life itself, it can be felt in any situation, from the most extreme to the least. I want to capture in a cathartic, sometimes ironic way, the moments in which that discomfort has already passed, but remains in a light form, a halo, a patina that I can only describe with photography. In Zoo we also talk about lightheartedness, innocence but disturbed by something subtle and impalpable to which I cannot give a name but only a form through a photograph. A part of me doesn’t let go of this period of my life where everything seems easy and difficult at the same time. In the subjects there is a typical trait of those years that does not want to leave either their minds or their bodies. I look for a moment of disinhibition when my subject forgets to check his image. I want to make ordinary things special. I want people to look at life in a different way, but everything has to be based on reality.