I spent most of the days in the garden of my country house. I loved to dip my hands in the soil that I wet to make it mud, spread it all over my body to get sprayed by my mother with water. My neighbor, my dearest friend was 7 years old like me. We always had our eyes turned upwards to count the trails of the planes, to see from the dawns when our favorite fruits ripened, if it had just rained to look for and admire the rainbow.Towards dinner finally my father came home, I would spend all night flying planes, he made me fly in the sky. We played shooting with plastic guns colored paper balls and when I hit me I fell to the ground pretending dead, I was so good that he really believed it. During the night when we were not to go to school the next morning, we waited for hours for falling stars to express our wishes or to see some passing ufo.When we had to go down in the city we used a kind of blue spaceship was very beautiful, I remember having covered it internally with my stickers. I almost fell asleep as soon as I got on board, I was suffering from car sickness but I didn’t know what it meant at the time, I thought it was just one of the effects of going with the spaceship. One day we took our giant spaceship, and we never returned home, we were forever in the city.Along with the spaceship and colored paper balls soon disappeared from home my mother too. Our ship had become, for a long time, a normal car, Coloured paper balls, pages on which to write commitments, the simple stars in the sky on which to express wishes.